With a plethora of retail industry trade shows on offer outside of South Australia, it sometimes becomes hard to understand why attending a trade show can achieve a positive ROI. Well here are 5 reasons why attending a retail Trade show can be beneficial to you and your business.
1. You can see exactly how the product/service works
Due to the nature of the retail industry, it’s important to know exactly how your equipment operates and more importantly how reliable it is. Through attendance of a trade show you will be shown exactly how the product/service works, why you need it and how it can positively affect your business.
2. You can talk to people who know everything about the product or service
Attendance of a trade show will allow you to pick the brains of those who supply your equipment/service. These people will be able to answer any and all questions you may have – solidifying both your faith in the product/service and strengthening your relationship with that supplier.
3. Generates new ideas
In order to stay relevant in today’s rapidly developing society, it’s important that your business doesn’t stay stagnant for too long. Too many times people walk through trade shows saying “I didn’t know you do that!” or “that would be great in my store!”. Trade Shows are a hub of innovation and will encourage you to think outside of the box to help you stay ahead of the curve.
4. Provides you insight into where the industry is heading
Following on from number 3, Trade Shows will help to expose yourself to new and exciting technologies coming to the retail industry. There is no better place to be when discovering new retail technologies than to be amongst experts in those new technologies.
5. Learn about your competition
Not only will you learn about the industry, you will learn about your competition. Retail Trade Shows will introduce you to both direct and indirect competitors without going to a great effort to find them. Don’t be scared of them – introduce yourself, network and learn something!
Are you in South Australia and want to attend a trade show, but can’t afford the luxury of interstate travel? At GaP Solutions we understand that the nature of the retail industry can be disruptive at the best of times. Well we have a fix for you!
The 2020 Retail-Food-Tech Trade Show is currently in the works for August 2020, you won’t need to travel far to enjoy all these reasons to attend.
Check out our write up on the event here!