retail news

Foodland SA Deliver Best Customer Satisfaction in Australia


The national Metcash awards have coincided with a recent report released by consumer research firm Canstar which found that Foodland customers are the most satisfied supermarket customers in Australia, dethroning German discounter Aldi for the first time in three years. Foodland was recognised for striking a successful balance between value for money and quality products in their consumer offerings, a balance which many feel has been lost in the recent supermarket “price wars”.


Other interesting information to come from the study includes;


$136 – average weekly supermarket spend

39% - The number of consumers who shop at only on supermarket chain

28% - Of consumers have switched supermarkets in the past 12 months

49% - Believe they could save money by shopping at a different supermarket chain 

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Protecting your business against ransomware


Since the new year a spate of businesses has reported unprecedented levels of attempted ransomware intrusions. In 2016 nearly 3,000 businesses fell victim to ransomware and some estimates suggest one in every 30 businesses will be targeted each year. Sadly, at GaP we are seeing a growing number of business falling victim to these scams which could be easily avoided through simple security protocols.


What is it?


Commonly known as a crypto locker virus, it is a ransomware file which accesses a computer or network through and .EXE file disguised as an authentic .PDF file, usually a bill or letter from trusted brands such as Telco’s, utilities providers or Australian Post. Once opened the virus will encrypt and lock every file it can access then display a message demanding payment to unencrypt the files. Top IT experts agree that in most cases it is impossible or unfeasible to ignore the malware and attempt to unencrypt the files manually. Unsurprisingly many victims state that even after paying the ransom their files remain encrypted


How to avoid being infected


Whilst the software which encrypts your files is incredibly advanced the method in which it infects is almost rudimentary. Without someone opening the malicious file the ransomware cannot gain access to a computer or network. To avoid falling victim to a crypto lock scam businesses should follow these steps;


·      Regularly back up data to an external location such as a backup service or external drive. Importantly the drive must not be assigned a drive letter or be connected when not performing backups.


·      Ensure all operating software is updated as required and your anti-malware software is current.


·      Educate all employees with access to email accounts on the dangers of ransomware, how they work and how they are disguised.


·      Ensure employees who handle accounts are aware of accounts which will send invoices and correspondence vis email


·      Avoid suspicious downloads, especially torrent downloads, even from apparently “safe” locations.


·      Re-enable the ability for your mail account to show hidden file extensions. Microsoft’s default behaviour is to hide known file extension, meaning suspect looking files can be masked. Furthermore, you can set your email to filter and block specific files, such as (.EXE) executables


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4 Reasons Retailers Need to Invest in Technology


Like it or not retailers are operating in a tech driven society, whether you’re a high end boutique or the local corner store these days a retailer can’t afford to be living in the dark ages. From grass roots social media brand awareness campaigns to influencing in-store - purchases technology has forever altered the consumer experience.


There is a plethora of benefits we could highlight from embracing technology in your retail space but for now we will focus on the core reasons every retail MUST invest in technology.


1.    Payment Security

As we move to an increasingly cashless marketplace the emphasis on store security must also swing from the physical to the digital. At the very least retailers should all by now have embraced EMV “chip” readers for eftpos terminals but further consideration must be given to the network integrity, point to point encryptions and even the security or your communications. Of course if you also offer an ecommerce platform then a whole other world of variables must be considered.


2.    Time Saving

For a long time, software has focused on a silo model, doing what it does well but not allowing information to flow between different business processes. Now as cloud based SaaS’s (software as a service) proliferate and RESTful API’s become the norm, retailers can now enjoy the benefits of having a POS system which updates an inventory control system which than auto restocks based on previous sales data. A loyalty or rewards system will share customer data with a marketing automation system to curate custom offerings based on a shopper’s behavior and previous purchases. Giving owners and managers more time to step out of the back office and enjoy the fruits of their labour.


3.    Interactive Everything

Now days seemingly every device, from fridges to coffee machines feature internet connectivity and whilst some may say it seem likes overkill, this prevalence of technology provides for greater levels of interactions with consumers. By capitalizing on new technology, any consumer facing device can now be utilized to enhance a consumers instore experience by personalizing offers, identifying repeat customers and contributing to a word of mouth buzz.


By embracing emerging augmented reality (AR) technology these retailers have been able to differentiate their offerings from competitors through value added services.

·      Cosmetics chain Sephora launched AR technology which enables customers to view different styles and shades of makeup on them without the need to physically apply it accompanying this are customer facing iPads which display product tutorials.

·      IKEA launched a digital AR catalogue for tablets which enabled customers to experience what different pieces of furniture would look like in their homes.

·      London based Topshop unveiled a virtual reality dressing room which removed the need for customers to enter the change rooms.


4.    Insight Rich Data

The beauty of interactive technology is that not only does it entice increased customer engagement but it is also capable of capturing rich data on consumer behavior. The same wireless technology which can be used to interact with customers on an individual level can also interact with the customer’s mobile devices to track browsing and shopping habits and then send targeted messages via Beacon transmitters placed around a store. By capturing such rich data, retailers will gain greater customer insights, providing more effective identification and realization of opportunities. The technology will significantly increase a retailer’s acquisition marketing levels and will provide a far greater overall ROI on marketing activities through enhanced information.


GaP Solutions is an industry leader in retail POS software and hardware, offering tailored solutions for industries such as grocery, fresh produce, fuel and liquor amongst others. Visit for more information on point of sale and back office systems.

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How to reduce theft at self service checkouts

Regardless of technological advancements & security measures, self-checkout systems often found in supermarkets and convenience stores solely depend on the honesty of customers for scanning, and paying for their shopping.


In a recent study, it has been revealed one third of all customers “cheat” the self-checkout machines.

Some technological security measures built in to the self-checkout machine utilize scales in the bagging area. However, shoppers find these measures are easy to get around.


Shoppers carry out all kinds of tasks to cheat the self-checkout, including:

•    Swapping barcodes on items

•    Scan more expensive fruit & veg as lower cost varieties

•    Avoid scanning an item all together and simply placing it on the floor in an already packed bag.

Emmeline Taylor is a criminologist and comments shopper’s attitudes toward supermarkets as massive corporations makes it okay to cheat the self-serve checkouts.


Others believe their actions are justified because they are forced to do the work of a checkout attendant, or that they’ve had to put up with problems in the checkout process and the mis-scanning of items is simply a mistake or accident.


Solutions to reduce theft and cheating at self-service checkouts include a simply login screen at the start of every self-checkout system’s sequence, where the shopper must agree to be honest and not cheat the system – research suggests this could play into the minds of the human psyche.


Another popular solution is to schedule a staff member to greet shoppers entering the self-checkout service area, reminding them they are there to help them.


The presence of the staff member can also act as a deterrent to shopper’s considering cheating the system.

GaP Solutions can tailor yourself serve checkouts how you want them, talk to us now about all your point of sale equipment needs

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